

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:30


THE MODERN WORLD: Age of Renaissance – 1300s & 1400s

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Aquinas’ Summa Theologica sought to apply Biblical law to every aspect of life and culture.

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Strangely missing from the cast of characters are any representing the Medieval view of marriage

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Nominalism, with its focus on universals, leads to a materialistic and secular worldview.

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Interaction of the clerics mirror 14th Century scholastic debates, especially nominalism vs idealism.

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One of the few heroes is the Pardoner, whose indulgences financed the great cathedrals.

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The Parson’s sermon is a fitting conclusion, condemning the secularism of the Pilgrims.

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The priestly class is lifted up for admiration by the Canterbury Tales.

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The shrine of Thomas a Beckett was dedicated following his murder by knights of Henry II.

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Ferdinand & Isabella completed the Reconquista the same year Columbus sailed in 1492.

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The 3 social classes in Chaucer’s England were merchants, monks and military.

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The law of God no longer applies in the New Testament era, resulting in a flowering of liberty.

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Reading and copying the law of God is the best safeguard against tyranny.

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The failure of Common Law paved the way for heretical utilitarian law.

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The weal of the ruler and the will of the people combine in a sure foundation for human liberty.

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Unfortunately, the liberties granted by Magna Carta were limited to the noble class of barons.

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The law of God is the excluded middle.

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The lasting impact of Magna Carta is a long-standing tradition of due process in English law.

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A person who feels he’s treated unjustly by the civil ruler may appeal to a church court for relief.

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Common law is the same as Biblical law.

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Magna Carta is a grant of privilege from the king rather than recognition of pre-existing rights.

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