General Science 201
Topic outline
General Science 201
Instructor: Prof. Dave White
Phone: 503-608-7611Course Description
This course is built around the award winning Apologia science textbook "Exploring Creation with General Science".
This course covers a wide range of the branches of science while making the connections between each. Students will learn what science is and, in a detailed and engaging way, how to utilize the proper scientific method. This is a true general science course covering a wide range of the branches of science. This course has many hands-on science experiments that can be completed with household materials. Throughout the course, students are able to see evidence of God’s creation as they learn scientific principles. Additionally, they will be excited to learn about many great scientists in history who were driven to study our world out of a desire to better know God as its creator. The course is sandwiched by this historical information within the first module and a presentation of testimonies by modern-day scientists in the last module to help encourage students to study science to better know God and give him glory!
It's a systematic introduction to science covering the following topics:
- The Scientific Method
- Designing Experiments
- Archaeology
- Geology
- Paleontology
- Fossils
Level: 7th grade
Mode: Asynchronous
Offered: Fall
Textbook: Apologia "Exploring Creation with General Science"
Tuition: $275 Premier
Level: 7th grade
Mode: Instructor taught
Offered: Open Enrollment
Textbook: Apologia "Exploring Creation with General Science"-
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