Bible Doctrine 203- Apologetics
Instructor: Mr. Jesse Murch
Phone: 434-426-8051
Course Description
Most Christians know how to share the gospel and their personal testimony, but what happens when our unbelieving friend asks a question? Suddenly things get more complicated. Apologetics deals with the Christian response to all such unbelieving questions.
Rather than just pile on an endless stream of evidence that invites the skeptic to pass judgment on God, this course examines a strategy designed to undermine the unbeliever's commitment to thinking independent of God's revelation. The textbook is Every Thought Captive by Richard L. Pratt Jr., and the supplemental text, Always Ready by Greg L. Bahnsen.
- Tuition: $275 Premier OR
- Level: 11th grade
- Mode: Asynchronous
- Offered: Fall / Open enrollment
- Textbook: See above
- Teacher: John Forster
Bible Survey 201
Instructor: D.O. (Oliver) Woods
Phone: 503-658-0385
Course Description
An overview of Bible content, it's organization and message. Students memorize the 66 books of the Bible and their primary themes. Basic geography of the Old and New Testaments is covered, with key events occurring at each location. Students also memorize Bible structure and outline, basic Bible facts, and the story line of both Old and New Testaments. Basic approaches to eschatology are presented. Emphasis is given to the central theme of the atonement of Christ woven into the entire Bible.
- Tuition: $275 Premier OR Tuition: $25 Basic
- Mode: Instructor Mode: Self-taught
- Offered: Fall Offered: Fall or Spring
- Textbook: See above Textbook: See above
Bible Survey 202 – Old Testament
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Phone: 434
Course Description
Building on the foundation of the preceding Bible survey course, this class concentrates on the Old Testament story of God’s choosing Israel as a nation of priests to draw all men and nations unto himself. Israel’s repeated failure results in the divorce decree of 70 a. d. and God taking a new bride, the church made up of both Jew and Gentile. Dr. Peter Leithart’s “A House For My Name" provides the literary framework crucial to understanding the many details of the Old Testament narrative. The text assists the student in gaining an appreciation and love for the "sweep and beauty" of the Old Testament Scriptures. A further benefit in this course is the emphasis on God’s law and the continuity of God's revelation to man in both testaments.
- Tuition: $275 Premier
- Level: 11th Grade
- Mode: Asynchronous
- Offered: Fall / Open Enrollment
- Textbook: The Bible, "A House For My Name" by Peter Leithart
- Teacher: John Forster
- Teacher: John Forster
Bible Survey 203 - New Testament
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Phone: 434
Course Description
Building on the foundation of the Bible survey courses preceding, this class concentrates on the fulfillment of the promises and shadows that are found in the Old Testament as it reveals the Lord Jesus Christ. With Dr. J. Gresham Machen's "The New Testament: An Introduction to its Literature and History" as the text, the student learns the glorious conclusion to the outworking of God's covenant plan to redeem fallen mankind. From the birth of the Christ, His life, His death, His resurrection and ascension to His present reign at the right hand of the Father and finally, to the defeat of all Christ's enemies at the resurrection, this course endeavors to encourage the student in the "Faith, once delivered to the saints."
- Tuition: $275
- Level: 11th Grade
- Mode: Asynchronous
- Offered: Spring / Open Enrollment
- Textbook: The Bible, "The New Testament" by J Gresham Machen
Bible Doctrine 201- Psalms
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Phone: 434
Course Description
This is a commentary on the book of Psalms -- personal and political. All Bible doctrines are in the Psalms: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Word of God, Man, Salvation, Church, Eschatology, Family and National Covenants. Content and relation of the 5 Books of the Psalms is explored in terms of the Decree of God in history. Text is Psalms of Joy by D. O. Woods
- Tuition: $275 Premier OR Tuition: $25 Basic
- Level: 9th grade Level: 9th grade
- Mode: Asynchronous Mode: Self-taught
- Offered: Fall / Open enrollment Offered: Open enrollment
- Textbook: See above Textbook: See above
Bible Doctrine 202 - WCF
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Phone: 434
Course Description
The Westminster Assembly was convened by the British Parliament in 1643 to produce the Longer and Shorter Catechisms. To quote the Encyclopedia Americana, the Westminster Confession of Faith is "the most widely influential Protestant theological formula in the English-speaking world."
One of the most pressing concerns of the Reformers was that the articles of the "Protestant Faith" should be passed on to the children of believers and new converts. This took the form of short doctrinal summaries such as the Westminster Confession of Faith. Using the Bible and a commentary on the Westminster Shorter Catechism as the main text, students will learn the classical outline of systematics in theology. A few of the main headings are: the Doctrine of God, the Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ, and the Doctrine of the Application of the Work of Redemption. “The Decree of God In Prophetic Interpretation” by D.O. “Oliver” Woods serves as an online supplement to the Reformers sketchy development of Bible prophecy.
- Tuition: $275
- Mode: Asynchronous / Open Enrollment
- Offered: Spring
- Textbook: See above, Westminister Confession of Faith (provided online), Bible
- Teacher: John Forster
- Teacher: John Forster